Useful Formulae – Quick formulae for odds comparisons and percentage chances.

Useful Formulae – Quick formulae for odds comparisons and percentage chances.

To convert odds into a percentage chance (2nd part of price/Total of both halves of price) x 100 = percentage chance Worked example: 6/4 4/10 x 100 = 40% To convert a decimal price into a percentage chance (1/decimal price) x 100 = percentage chance Worked example: 2.50 1/2.50 x 100 = 40% To convert…

British Track Characteristics: Flat and National Hunt

British Track Characteristics: Flat and National Hunt

Britain’s racetrack layouts vary greatly. As well as left-handed and right-handed layouts, there are stiff, galloping, undulating and perfectly flat circuits, with most horses preferring certain configurations to others. For example, the helter-skelter track at Brighton strongly favours the handy, well-balanced types and is very much against the long-striding gallopers, who can often become unbalanced…