Wind Operation
28th April 2024

It is a fact that you can bet all horses having their first run since a Wind Op and you will make a long term profit at Betfair SP.

On this page we include each day the horses having their first run since a wind operation along with some stats specific to the trainers who do well with their wind op horses.

Wind Op Horses Running Today – Having First Run since Wind Op (28-04-2024)

14:50 Bath 1. Wont Stand Down Jockey: Mangan, Gina Trainer: Millman, B R

16:30 Bath 4. Arctic Mountain (IRE) Jockey: Ryan, Rossa Trainer: Suroor, Saeed Bin

16:40 Wetherby 8. Motawaazy Jockey: Beasley, Connor Trainer: Dods, M

17:25 Southwell 9. Northern Spirit Jockey: Robinson, Ben Trainer: Ellison, B

17:55 Southwell 10. Stockpyle Jockey: Edmunds, Lewis Trainer: Muir, W R & Grassick, C

Wind Ops

As with anything trainer related, some are better than others, and that appears to be true in terms of knowing when to perform a wind op – that can be linked to the processes they use to identify issues, the skills of their jockey/work riders, and no doubt their vets. Some trainers prefer to have their horses ready to roll after their op, no excuses, others less so – it can be best to catch them on the second run after a wind op for example – both because the horse may be fitter, and the horse itself knows it can now breathe.

Flat Trainers who do well with their horses having the first run after a Wind Op

TrainerStrike RateProfit BSPROI BSP
Eve Johnson-Houghton17.65%+ 6.9 40%
Kevin Ryan12.12%+ 5.98 9%
M Dods8.33%+ 3.21 26%
Clive Cox30%+ 2.17 21%

National Hunt Trainers who do well with their horses having the first run after a Wind Op

TrainerStrike RateProfit BSPROI BSP
Venetia Williams26.42%+ 60.14 113%
Kerry Lee16.67%+ 31.32 103%
Lucinda Russell10.53%+ 89.72 94%
Alan King21.62%+ 33.9 91%
Jonjo O Neill14.88%+ 71.29 85%

Featured Image: UK Steeplechase Race